QTI helps in implementing the SEDEX/ SMETA, BSCI, WRAP, ETI & SA8000 standard in Textile industries, Garment and Home Textile Export Houses in india.
Social compliance is no longer a secondary concern for buyers and brands. They are serious about wanting to know that the facilities supplying them care about social responsibility. QTI can help your facility to convey to your potential customers your commitment to responsible business practices by implementing these certification programme in your organisations.
SEDEX / SMETA: SMETA is an audit procedure which is a compilation of good practice in ethical audit technique. It is not a code of conduct, a new methodology, or a certification process.
BSCI : BSCI, a program of the Foreign Trade Association( FTA) of Europe. The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a leading supply chain management system. It is designed to improve working conditions for the suppliers of BSCI’s participating member companies.
WRAP: Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) is an independent, objective, non-profit team of global social compliance experts dedicated to promoting safe, lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing around the world .It is basically meant for USA Market.
SA8000: It was established by Social Accountability International in 1997.
SA 80000 Certification is the process by which individual companies (factories, farms and other workplaces) and organizations undergo assessment by a third-party auditor. If the company meets the requirements set out in the standard or code, it can earn a certificate attesting to its compliance.